
Based on 100% HTML5 & WebRTC, your live confer­encing runs in your browser without additional downloads.

Bandwidth Friendly

Designed to work always, in any setting.

Enterprise Grade Security

Protect your data with SHA-256 with RSA encryption

HD Video Conferencing

Up to high defin­ition video quality and content sharing in 1080p.

Record Your Meetings

Up to high defin­ition video quality and content sharing in 1080p.

Broadcast Live

On Facebook or YouTube, wherever your audience is.

Screen Sharing

Share your screen, app windows or browser tabs with no lag and with crystal clear quality.

Controlled Layouts

Take control of your webinars and virtual class­rooms by arranging the screens exactly as you want them.

User View Modes

Make video confer­encing more user-friendly. Let users change their view.

Questions & Answers

Let your partic­i­pants ask questions during a video conference.


Create custom, engaging polls during your video conference.

Multi-User Whiteboard

Share and explain complex concepts interactively.

Content Library

Upload and share files with your audience.

Breakout Rooms

Offer a dedicated space to work on inter­active group assignments.

Intuitive Interface

Typog­raphy, spacing and all elements fit together perfectly for a great aesthetic sense and feeling.

Text Chat

Fully inter­active public group chat or private messages.

File Sharing

Share files of any format right within your conference.

Share Video

Engage your audience with content from YouTube.

Mobile Browser Access

Connect from any phone, tablet, or mobile device – without downloads.

Email Invitations

Invite attendees and schedule meetings with ease.